Title: Flying Rigthts for Women
Before flying into the
fury of torrents
The Right was married
to the gold of the sun,
Dreaming of an open world,
The Democracy won’t want to wake up
Before touching the voices of the Ladies.
Adding a word, a white paper, a Yes or a No
New Movements were already
Singing the Symphony of opinions
by the Women, This Time;
To flow for watering by the mountains
and reach the goal
Extending their “Echo” until more and more countries.
The project will be abstract
( a flying sheet going into the box (base),
with messages writing on it
by Local Thinking Women about their Rights,
and some grafics items about
vote and democracy on the box(base).
Text About Vincent Beaufils-H
Most of the works from Vincent Beaufils-Hourdigas are in stone, sculpting the pieces up and back until the moment, when he decided to fix the time into a form, looking for a relation between solids and blanks into the material. He leave the space to filling itself, touching by an eye, feeling the sense of the material.
From different European countries, where the artist use to sculpt ; Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium are the bases of technics and structural inspiration in his backpacker’s life.
To find the Deep into the mass, Vincent B-H experiments the dynamics with an own language of volume, in the resonance of the soul’s material, catching the essence of his work between lines of an abstract’s “Kurve” and a composition’s plan from minimal architecture, always listening the instinct which conjugate the finality of his Frame’s stone.
In 2011, he’s got one of the sculpture’s price from the Fine Art Academy of Paris.
He works as well in bronze, when the original material aims to be a new font of regeneration in the process of work.
To keep a trace, and join a new kind of soul into chromatics research on the hot process required.
Way of life, time to another, not just for disturbing any else, after the stone he recycles the ready-care from re-creative process’s, bain-Marie of installation in introspection, giving back to the result some reflexing about an hiding reality between contents and containers, bringing up to a natural element which the sense of existing was falling down in profusion, neighbor to the human basification, or far away in the human restriction : retract on the way, leaving intervention for un-functional attributions, and conceptual resolution.
“Pixelisation” in the present, one of himself is writing a dogma about the « not at all » in a medium not so unknown, for un-sculpt process and sociologic end.Up to that, Vincent Beaufils-Hourdigas decided to improve process’ sculpture in Europe, where clandestine interventions are getting form ; in “Sieme a lo Suo”.
Anonym Autor, extract from la lettera mancante o las aguas negras,
Original about Vincent Beaufils-H
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Kamintech in Visp-Eyholz